Thursday, April 24, 2014

Whitney Comes Back to Talent Acquisition

For the last two weeks, I have been working with the Talent Acquisition Division (TAD). Talent Acquisition works alongside other agencies within the state and provides support to the HR generalists in the field, specializing in recruitment. I had numerous projects while with TAD which were very broad in nature and gave me great exposure. Some of my projects included: researching and finalizing approved budget purchases; researching an upgrade to an online job posting site; coordinating on-campus interviews for FSSA/Disability Claims Adjustors; and updating queries and statistics of employee data for diversity PowerPoints in preparation for a presentation.

Needless to say, I had a lot of projects during this rotation and there were many more I didn’t even get to work on, but I loved it! I was busy the whole time and gained a lot of great insights into the things Talent Acquisition does on a day-to-day and weekly basis. I learned a lot from these projects. I learned how to do research for job postings and keeping budgets in mind when improving efficiencies. I communicated with a lot of different people when coordinating on-campus interviews, which helped develop my communication skills through email and phone communications. I also learned how to dissect a query on excel and create spreadsheets and tables quickly.

One project in particular that will stick out to me was the diversity project. There is so much that goes into diversity and recruiting diverse employees. The state looks at each agency’s diversity statistics and compares the statistics of citizens of Indiana to see how closely it matches to our employee population. I enjoyed seeing how an organization does this because it is important to have your workforce look similar to that of the available workforce. I was able to look at the diversity within many positions and get a better idea of what the entire state looks like in its diversity and how well the state matches that in employment. This is very important to do in employment, and the state is working very hard to do that. I took the queries of the employees and then divided them accordingly into the pre-set categories of the PowerPoints and updated them. 

I very much enjoyed my time with Talent Acquisition. It was busy, challenging, and very rewarding. Next I go to the Department of Child Services.